Convenience IPLD types
The types described below are not referenced directly from within the canonical Ethereum merkle tree. Instead, these types can be constructed and verified from underlying canonical Ethereum IPLD structures using the algorithms described here. These types are introduced to improve the convenience and performance of accessing and working with the Ethereum objects for certain purposes.
Transaction Trace IPLD
Transaction traces contain the EVM context, input, and output for each individual OPCODE operation performed during the application of a transaction on a certain state. These objects can be generated or verified by applying the referenced transactions on top of the referenced state.
- The IPLD block is the RLP encoded object.
- CID links to
use a KECCAK_256 multihash of the RLP encoded object and the EthTxTrace codec (tbd).
# TxTrace contains the EVM context, input, and output for each OPCODE in a transaction that was applied to a specific state
type TxTrace struct {
# List of CIDs linking to the transactions that were used to generate this trace by applying them onto the state referenced below
# If this trace was produced by the first transaction in a block then this list will contain only that one transaction
# and this trace was produced by applying it directly to the referenced state
# Otherwise, the trace is the output of the last transaction in the list applied to the state produced by
# sequentially applying the proceeding txs to the referenced state
TxCIDs [&Transaction]
# CID link to the root node of the state trie that the above transaction set was applied on top of to produce this trace
StateRootCID &StateTrieNode
Result Bytes
Frames [Frame]
Gas Uint
Failed Bool
# Frame represents the EVM context, input, and output for a specific OPCODE during a transaction trace
type Frame struct {
Op OpCode
From Address
To Address
Input Bytes
Output Bytes
Gas Uint
Cost Uint
Value BigInt
Provided a Header
multihash/CID and a transaction index, we can generate a TxTrace
- Fetching and decoding the
IPLD. - Stepping down into the transaction trie referenced in the header.
- Collecting the transaction at the provided index and all transactions with indexes lower than the provided index.
- KECCAK_256 hashing each transaction.
- Convert hashes to CIDs using the KECCAK_256 multihash and EthTx codec.
- Order these CIDs in a list by transaction index.
- Collect the
from within thisHeader
. - Use ipfs-ethdb with state root linked in the
to instantiate an EVM on top of the ipld state of this block. - Apply each of the transactions on top of this state using the ipfs-ethdb based EVM.
- For the final transaction applied, collect the trace output from the EVM.
- Assemble the trace output, the
CIDs, and the rootStateTrieNode
CID into theTxTrace
Block IPLD
IPLD represents an entire block (header + body) in the Ethereum blockchain, it contains direct content hash references to
the sets of transactions and receipts for that block in order to avoid the need to traverse the transaction
and receipt tries to collect these sets (as is required when starting from a canonical Header
These objects can be generated or verified by following the links within the contained Header
to collect the Transactions
and Receipts
from the referenced transaction and receipt tries.
- The IPLD block is a DAG-CBOR serialization of the
object. - CID links to
use a KECCAK_256 multihash of the DAG-CBOR serialized object and the DagCbor codec (0x71).
# Block represents an entire block in the Ethereum blockchain.
type Block struct {
# CID link to the header at this block
# This CID is composed of the KECCAK_256 multihash of the RLP encoded header and the EthHeader codec (0x90)
# Note that the header contains references to the uncles and tx, receipt, and state tries at this height
Header &Header
# CID link to the list of transactions at this block
# This CID is composed of the KECCAK_256 multihash of the RLP encoded list of transactions and the EthTxList codec (tbd)
Transactions &Transactions
# CID link to the list of receipts at this block
# This CID is composed of the KECCAK_256 multihash of the RLP encoded list of receipts and the EthTxReceiptList codec (tbd)
Receipts &Receipts
Provided a Header
multihash/CID, we can generate a Block
- Fetching and decoding the
IPLD. - Stepping down into the transaction trie referenced in the header.
- Collecting each transaction stored at the leaf nodes in the trie.
- KECCAK_256 hashing each transaction.
- Order these hashes in a list by transaction index.
- KECCAK_256 hash the RLP encoded list.
- Convert to CID using the KECCAK_256 multihash and EthTxHashList codec.
- Stepping down into the receipt trie referenced in the header.
- Collecting each receipt stored at the leaf nodes in the trie.
- KECCAK_256 hashing each receipt.
- Order these hashes in a list by receipt index.
- KECCAK_256 hash the RLP encoded list.
- Convert to CID using the KECCAK_256 multihash and EthTxReceiptHashList codec.
- Assemble the
CID, andReceipts
CID into theBlock
Transactions IPLD
This is the IPLD schema for the ordered list of all transactions for a given block.
- The IPLD block is the RLP encoded list of transactions.
- CID links to
use a KECCAK_256 multihash of the RLP encoded list of transactions and the EthTxList codec (tbd). Transactions
IPLDs are not referenced from any canonical Ethereum object, but are instead linked to from the aboveBlock
# Transactions contains a list of all of the Ethereum transactions at this block
type Transactions [&Transaction]
Receipts IPLD
This is the IPLD schema for the ordered list of all receipts for a given block.
- The IPLD block is the RLP encoded list of receipts.
- CID links to
use a KECCAK_256 multihash of the RLP encoded list of receipts and the EthTxReceiptList codec (tbd). Receipts
IPLDs are not referenced directly from any canonical Ethereum object, but are instead linked to from the aboveBlock
ADL object.
# Receipts contains a list of all of the receipts at this block
type Receipts [Receipt]
Genesis IPLD
This is the IPLD schema for the configuration settings and genesis allocations to produce a specific genesis block and begin an Ethereum
blockchain. It also includes a reference to the genesis block Header
it produces. This is a single IPLD block at the base of an entire Ethereum chain.
- The IPLD block is a DAG-CBOR serialization of the
object. - CID links to
use a KECCAK_256 multihash of the DAG-CBOR serialized object and the DagCbor codec (0x71).
# GenesisInfo specifies the header fields, state of a genesis block, and hard fork switch-over blocks through the chain configuration.
# NOTE: we need a new multicodec type for the Genesis object
type GenesisInfo struct {
# CID link to the genesis header this genesis info produces
# This CID is composed of the KECCAK_256 multihash of the linked RLP encoded header and the EthHeader codec (0x90)
GensisHeader &Header
Config ChainConfig
Nonce Uint
Timestamp Uint
ExtraData Bytes
GasLimit Unit
Difficulty BigInt
Mixhash Hash
Coinbase Address
Alloc GenesisAlloc
# These fields are used for consensus tests. Please don't use them
# in actual genesis blocks.
Number Uint
GasUsed Uint
ParentHash Hash
# GenesisAlloc is a map that specifies the initial state that is part of the genesis block.
type GenesisAlloc {Address:GenesisAccount}
# GenesisAccount is an account in the state of the genesis block.
type GenesisAccount struct {
Code Bytes
Storage {Hash:Hash}
Balance BigInt
Nonce Uint
PrivateKey Bytes
# ChainConfig is the core config which determines the blockchain settings.
# ChainConfig is stored in the database on a per block basis.
# This means that any network, identified by its genesis block, can have its own set of configuration options.
# The ChainConfig referenced in GenesisInfo is used to produce the genesis block but is not necessarily used for later blocks down the chain.
type ChainConfig struct {
ChainID BigInt
HomesteadBlock BigInt
DAOForkBlock BigInt
DAOForkSupport Bool
EIP150Block BigInt
EIP150Hash Hash
EIP155Block BigInt
EIP158Block BigInt
ByzantiumBlock BigInt
ConstantinopleBlock BigInt
PetersburgBlock BigInt
IstanbulBlock BigInt
MuirGlacierBlock BigInt
YoloV2Block BigInt
EWASMBlock BigInt
# Various consensus engines
Ethash EthashConfig
Clique CliqueConfig
# EthashConfig is the consensus engine config for proof-of-work based sealing.
# At this time there are no configuration options for the Ethash engine.
type EthashConfig struct {} representation tuple
# CliqueConfig is the consensus engine config for proof-of-authority based sealing.
type CliqueConfig struct {
Period Uint
Epoch Uint